Economic Renaissance: A New Chapter in Albania

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Economic Renaissance: A New Chapter in Albania       In recent years, Albania, a country once shrouded in mystery and isolation, has embarked on a transformative journey, capturing the attention of the global community. With its stunning Adriatic coastline, rich historical tapestry, and vibrant culture, Albania is rapidly emerging as a beacon of progress and innovation in the Balkans. … Read More

Tax on Transfer of Real Estate in Albania

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Tax on Transfer of Real Estate in Albania       The Ministry of Finance and the State Cadaster Agency have recently issued a significant joint instruction titled “On Income Tax from the Transfer of Real Estate,” officially published on January 17, 2024. This instruction aims to clarify the application of capital gains tax from real estate transactions, particularly focusing … Read More

Jared Kushner Roars in Europe: Investing in Albania and Serbia with Arab Funds, Guided by Richard Grenell

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Jared Kushner Roars in Europe: Investing in Albania and Serbia with Arab Funds, Guided by Richard Grenell       Jared Kushner, son-in-law of former President Donald Trump, is on the cusp of finalizing substantial real estate deals in Europe, focusing primarily on Albania. Reports from The New York Times indicate that Mr. Kushner’s plans in the Balkans have gained … Read More

Corporate Income Tax/ General Provisions on Profit Determination

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Corporate Income Tax/ General Provisions on Profit Determination       Amortization For the determination of taxable income, amortization for fixed business assets is calculated and deducted by: a) the owner of the business assets, except in cases specified in subparagraph “b” of this point; b) the person bearing the risk of loss or damage to the assets, in cases … Read More

Western Balkans leaders pledge to speed up reforms for EU growth plan

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Western Balkans leaders pledge to speed up reforms for EU growth plan       On Thursday, leaders from Western Balkan countries reached a consensus to expedite regional collaboration, capitalizing on a new European Union financial aid initiative aimed at hastening the path to membership. The EU’s proposal involves allocating 6 billion euros (approximately $6.5 billion) to the Balkan states … Read More

Directing Attention to Investments: The Advantage for the Albanian Economy Through a Distinct Payment System

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Directing Attention to Investments: The Advantage for the Albanian Economy Through a Distinct Payment System       Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors from Western Balkan countries gathered in Tirana to discuss integration into the European payment system. The move, part of the EU’s Growth Plan, aims to significantly reduce transaction costs for citizens in the region. The focus … Read More

EBRD and EU scale up support for Albania’s railways

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EBRD and EU scale up support for Albania’s railways       In a significant move towards enhancing Albania’s strategic transport links, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is taking the lead in a €373 million railway project. The initiative involves the rehabilitation and electrification of the Vore-Hani i Hotit railway line, a crucial 120 km connection between … Read More

Albania’s Garment Sector Gets a Big $4 Billion Boost in Updated Budget

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Albania’s Garment Sector Gets a Big $4 Billion Boost in Updated Budget       In a recent development, the Council of Ministers gave the green light to a Normative Act, ushering in amendments to the 2024 budget. Following a government meeting, Finance Minister Ervin Mete shared that the primary objective of this legislative move is to extend support to … Read More

Maximizing Business Efficiency through Albania’s Infrastructure

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Maximizing Business Efficiency through Albania’s Infrastructure       Albania’s robust infrastructure development has emerged as a catalyst for businesses, presenting a remarkable 20% boost in operational efficiency. This article thoroughly explores the myriad ways in which companies can strategically harness Albania’s evolving infrastructure to maximize their operational effectiveness and flourish in this burgeoning economic landscape. One pivotal aspect of … Read More

CDP Backing SMEs and Sustainable Growth in Albania

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CDP Backing SMEs and Sustainable Growth in Albania         Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) have inked a substantial long-term financing deal valued at €10 million, facilitating the mobilization of resources totaling a minimum of €20 million. The primary objective is to bolster the expansion of Albanian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in … Read More