

HLB Albania carries out auditing of annual and consolidated financial statements, in accordance with Albanian legislation and international accounting standards.

Our audit services include:
• Audit of financial statements and consolidated balance sheet
• Evaluation of regular accounting activities
• Principles of equity required by law
• Due Diligence aimed at finalizing extraordinary transactions

As it has never been more vital to be able to have confidence in an audit, HLB International member companies are committed to ensuring that multinational audits are performed to the highest standard

HLB Albania

Leading businesses are addressing these issues head on, investing in new technologies and business models to address today’s challenges, all while knowing that the next industry change could be just around the corner. The nature of the audit and financial reporting continues to evolve alongside this. Audits have become more complex. There are more qualitative disclosures, making the role of professional skepticism and judgment ever more important.

Providing an appropriate audit requires us to take an integrated and broad approach. We do that in a number of ways, both traditional and innovative. Our commitment to HLB Albania people, collaboration and team building involves training and deploying the brightest people on every one of our audit engagements.

Our teams are multidimensional and agile, combining traditional competencies, such as accounting, professional skepticism and teaming, with experience and knowledge in new areas such as analytics automation.

Evolving and more stringent regulation, digital transformation, competition and the need to enhance trust in capital markets all mean that the audit landscape is being reshaped faster than ever before. Leading businesses are addressing these issues head on, investing in new technologies and business models to address today’s challenges, all while knowing that the next industry change could be just around the corner. The nature of the audit and financial reporting continues to evolve alongside this. Audits have become more complex. There are more qualitative disclosures, making the role of professional skepticism and judgment ever more important.


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Our expertise

Audit and reporting


Financial Audit

Corporate restructuring

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